Candace Burton, PhD is a Master Life & Energy Coach & Holistic Therapist, doing mind/body/spiritual/neuro-emotional healing, including massage, hypnotherapy, coaching, motivational speaking, private and group remote sessions. She studied Psychology and graduate with a PhD, nonetheless, she is a lifelong student and feels she has learned more through taking ongoing training and seminars.
She is certified in Rapid Resolution Therapy addressing trauma, The Reconnection by Eric Pearl, the Passion Test, B.E.S.T. Elite Master (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique) which releases subconscious emotional blocks that she combines with a combination of massage modalities, and her own Burton Mindpower Release, which is a discreet and rapid tapping technique. She uses her mind to maintain optimum health (not even a cold or flu in over 25 years) and happiness in spite of major life challenges.
With her extensive background in working with the mind and the Law of Attraction for over 27 years, her passion is to empower YOU! She will teach you how to use Your Mindpower to be happy, healthy and abundant in all areas of your life, no matter what the situation.
You can see her in person or over the phone. She also animates group remote sessions worldwide.
Please follow her on Your Angel Network!